all postcodes in M22 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M22 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M22 1AA 1 1 53.379207 -2.264772
M22 1AB 4 0 53.378798 -2.266408
M22 1AD 14 0 53.377739 -2.265981
M22 1AE 26 0 53.377669 -2.265154
M22 1AF 22 0 53.377084 -2.26533
M22 1AG 16 0 53.377273 -2.268999
M22 1AH 33 2 53.376342 -2.267716
M22 1AJ 9 0 53.376072 -2.267864
M22 1AL 30 0 53.375483 -2.269995
M22 1AN 21 0 53.376427 -2.26958
M22 1AP 6 0 53.376963 -2.271192
M22 1AQ 18 0 53.377405 -2.270503
M22 1AR 14 0 53.377848 -2.269243
M22 1AS 26 0 53.377538 -2.267513
M22 1AT 22 0 53.378514 -2.268767
M22 1AU 23 0 53.378571 -2.267504
M22 1AW 2 0 53.376639 -2.270603
M22 1AX 19 0 53.379201 -2.267328
M22 1AY 8 0 53.379432 -2.268366
M22 1AZ 11 0 53.378703 -2.269068